Tirisfal Theatre Troupe

US Server, Wyrmrest Accord

We're performing at the Dance of the Dead! October 18th, 8pm EST/ 7pm Central / 5pm WrA Server time. Click the banner above for more details!

Tirisfal Theatre Troupe

During the Siege of Orgrimmar, years ago, two visionaries saw a world beset by fear of tyranny and lacking in spirit and good humor. From the ashen cradle of the Tirisfal Glades, and the mind and pockets of a man from Silvermoon City, talent from far and wide was brought together to find a solution to the world’s woes, but through the art of performance rather than the art of war.Thus began the Tirisfal Theatre, a group of performers who have long held the belief that service to one’s people is to leave them with hope and high spirits, with laughter and song, with spectacle and wonder.Whether it be by the soul of a play, or the heart of a fireworks show, one thing is certain; when the Tirisfal Theatre is in town, you know fun is about to be had.

Who We Are...

Who are we? More like who aren’t we! Actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, writers, directors, and folks from all walks of life! We’re a theatrical performance guild with an established history on Wyrmrest Accord!Established by Father Irreverent of the Church of the Forgotten Shadow, and Lord Atos Sunhart of the Silvermoon Thespian Society prior, the Tirisfal Theatre Troupe has been performing for Wyrmrest Accord for nearly 7 years as of October 2020. In 2019, Atos stepped down from leadership and passed the mantle to Director Fehl, who led the troupe until recently when she too had to focus on IRL priorities. Atos has returned to the role of Director as of August 2020, with renewed purpose and passion. While long hiatuses have been somewhat typical in the past few years for us, we are back with renewed purpose and direction, and ready to bring the show back to Azeroth and beyond!First and foremost, we are a roleplaying guild, with events taking place primarily mid-week, and sometimes on weekends for particularly large shows - all events typically in the evenings between the hours of 6 PM server and 8 PM server starting time. We function based on the server’s time and plan our events around a median of which all cast members can make, because we are, as our name suggests, a guild that performs plays.The plays we do are mostly written in-house, though we have several from outside the guild as well. What makes us unique is the fact that all of our plays are written and performed with a certain expectation and mark of quality. We rehearse things such as placement, line delivery, and the use of toys, spells, and other in-game effects to provide a unique visual aid for our stories. It isn’t something as mundane as reading off of a script, or even copying and pasting, as we do tend to trail off into improvisation from time to time as well, making no two shows truly alike.Another thing that sets us apart as a guild is that we allow membership that does not have to leave their current guild to perform with us! With the advent of programs such as Discord and features like the community manager, the guild is more for…show, more so than anything else. While officer ranks are required to be part of the guild itself, members can be from any other guild and not have to quit to be a part of us.This also means we accept Alliance membership, though some of our events do take place in Horde territory, as that is where many of our characters are tethered. That being said, we do try to make sure our events are in neutral areas as often as we can, even if a few events might slip through the cracks.It should go without saying, but we are also an all-inclusive guild comprised of mature people and have a zero-tolerance policy for drama, hate speech, etc. Most if not all of us are adults who have no desire to deal with bigotry or immaturity of any sort, and we’re not here to tell people to play nice, so please…play nice. On that note, if a member of our guild or community exhibits such behaviors, please notify one of us with a screenshot of the behavior and we will deal with it promptly.

Who We Want to Recruit...
of course we mean you!

The Tirisfal Theatre has traditionally kept its ranks small, as we found it was easier to manage a cast of only a handful of members and create events that allowed all of them to have a shot in the spotlight. However, we’re looking to change things up a little bit in the future, and as such, we are now, until stated otherwise, always looking for people who align with our goals as a guild. These goals include but are not limited to the following;

- Provide entertainment for the people of Wyrmrest Accord (Duh!)- Bring a unique experience that folks will remember fondly for years to come!- Give players who are either new to RP, anxious about it or don’t RP but are curious something to bridge them towards our community.- Give a common ground topic for RPers to meet one another, forge friendships, etc. that will enhance their RP experience and immersion.- Give to our community and take part in other people’s events as often as we can afford to, and be a reliable group to be called on.

While the ability to make our events as often as you are able (showing initiative) and following directions are important, these are what we aim for. We are seeking people who above all want to uphold these goals and provide their own creative touches to what we do. Someone could be a great actor with flawless delivery, and yet if they don’t hold a desire to give their best effort to the community and instead desire only to have a following from working with us, that’s not exactly someone we’re looking for.Friendly. Creative. Passionate. These are words that describe the type of people we want, OOCly, even if the character one plays is not always such.If you desire to apply, you need only contact Atos via Discord (@.gla) or an in-game mail to arrange a meeting, and we will give an interview and trial run for your character. This trial run is basically a month where you are invited to show up at events, interact with us both in and out of character, and we see if you’re a nice fit for our group. Through this, we hope to gauge your desire to be a part of the guild, as well as how well you interact with our members. Please know that even if you don’t make it into our ranks by the end of your trial period for reasons related to IRL keeping you away from event participation, it will not be held against you and you will be allowed to try again. Full details on the process will be given at the time of your interview.Some in the past may have recalled a time when we did auditions using a set of short scripts. While we still use these during the interviewing process, it’s more of a tool to introduce you to how we operate with the plays, as this is an important aspect of performing with us. You will be instructed on the basics of the ‘chat bubble rule’ for line delivery, some common guidelines we follow, etc. Before your interview, you will be given a choice of a few scripts that you can use, alter, highlight, etc. for the performing part of your interview, should the role you’re applying for require it.All in all, though, we’re pretty laid back, so you really don’t have much to worry about! So be sure to get out there and break a leg with us!

The Cast & Crew

Contact Information:In-game:
Anyone online can answer questions!
In-game mail:
Atos-Wyrmrest Accord (Horde)
Discord Contacts:
Guild Discord available upon invite.

Find us here as well:

The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe Presents: The Altruist and The House on Raven Hill Performing at the Dance of the Dead

Aditional Information:
- Anchors for the event will be available from Moon Guard. If people are having difficulty finding anchors, message Urne-MoonGuard for an emergency anchor up till 15 minutes after the event begins!
- Elixirs of Tongues and TRP are both highly recommended for this show!
- Our play will be performed at the burned down house across from the fountain! The play area will be declared before the show so people know where to sit.